Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kindergarten Lesson Plan

Enter your name and specific age group(s) to use this lesson: Amanda Tanguay. Lesson Plan for Kindergarten.

List the Web site you found your lesson on:  http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/animalAlphabet/
“Big Idea” this lesson plan supports:  Learn the letters of the alphabet and the different sounds they make. Also introduction to digital storytelling and working in collaboration with peers.

Lesson Plan Component
Title - Name of Lesson

Animal Alphabet Shorts
Frameworks/Common Core/NETS- Standards

(listed under Course Documents)

W-K-6.1 Naming or labeling objects or pictures
W-K-6.2 Representing facts through pictures
W-K-8.1 Using pictures to illustrate information related to topic
OC-K-1.2 Listening and responding to stories, songs or poems
OC-K-2.1 Speaking clearly and distinctly, orally sharing information and experience
OC-K-2.3 Telling stories about pictures, books or experiences
R-K-1.5 Recognizing and naming all upper and lower case letters
R-K-1.6 Identifying the primary sounds represented by most letters
NETS Standards:
1.Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technology.
a.Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas,
products, or processes
b.Create original works as a means of personal
or group expression
c.Use models and simulations to explore complex
systems and issues
2.Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others.
a.Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers,
experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
b.Communicate information and ideas effectively
to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats

Lesson Objective(s) - The Student can or will … using a verb from Blooms Revised Taxonomy

Sub Categories

Each of the categories or taxonomic elements has a number of key verbs associated with it
Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS)
  • Remembering - Recognising, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding
  • Understanding - Interpreting, Summarising, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying
  • Applying - Implementing, carrying out, using, executing
  • Analysing - Comparing, organising, deconstructing, Attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating
  • Evaluating - Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, Experimenting, judging, testing, Detecting, Monitoring
  • Creating - designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Students will be able to…

    -Recognize the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case form
    -List the letters alphabetically
    -Classify sounds to letters
    -Find animals and additional words that match the sounds of the letters
    -Create pictures of animals and matching words
    -Plan the script for the story about the animals
    -Construct a digital story

Materials - What will they need to complete this assignment?

Be as specific as possible.

-5 computers with internet access and the ability to support the website slidestory.com
-projector screen and speakers
-paper and markers

Anticipatory Set - Prior Knowledge - How will you “hook” students prior to teaching the lesson
Students will sing the “Alphabet Song”
Students will practice lining up alphabetically by first letter of first name
Students will watch Alphabet video as a class

Procedures - What will student and teacher do? Best practices - Ask 3 questions here to promote higher order thinking related to lesson plan.
1. After watching the Alphabet video and reviewing the letter sounds as a class, students will be broken up into groups of four and assigned four letters to each group, consecutively next to each other in the alphabet. (For example, group 1 would have letters A, B, C and D, etc.)
2. Each student will then pick a letter and an animal to represent that letter, using this site as a resource if he or she needs help finding animals with names that mimic the sound.
3. Each student will also write a short story, about 2-4 lines about the animal including 2 more words that start with the same letter-sound.
4. Once the student has completed his or her script, he or she will draw 2-3 pictures illustrating the story and showing the animal as the main character, again using this site if needed for pictorial inspiration.
5. With the help of the teacher or parent helper, students will scan their drawings into their computers and, using the slidestory website, record their script to go with the coordinating pictures. The group of four children will edit their video.
5. The teacher will then edit all the videos together into one and the class will watch it together.
Discussion Questions:
1. What are the letters of the alphabet?
2. What letters make similar sounds?
3. What changes would you make to the digital story? What did you like about the process and end result?

Closure - How will you have students reflect on what has been learned in this lesson?
Students will re-group into their groups, be handed a piece of paper with four letters of the alphabet that they did not work on before, and try to remember what stories the other students told to match the letters. If there is time, they can draw pictures as well as discuss.

Students will answer the three discussion questions listed above.

Assessment- Assessment is directly correlated to stated objectives (listed above) and provides an opportunity for every student to demonstrate progress toward meeting the objective(s)  

Create a rubric that shows objectives relating to project. - Assessment can be completion of project. Something student creates.

Students are assessed on how well they understood the assignment of matching the letter sounds to words and animals, the quality/quantity of the drawings, and the ability to collaborate with peers as well as create an entertaining and meaningful digital story.
See rubric below:
3 Points
2 points
1 point
0 points
Understanding and Drawings
Students were highly engaged in class and group discussions; clearly identified all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds; and created colorful and unique drawings that demonstrated a solid understanding of a particular letter and its sounds.
Students participated in class and group discussions; adequately identified most of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds; and created somewhat colorful and unique drawings that demonstrated a basic understanding of a particular letter and its sounds.
Students participated minimally in class and group discussions; were unable to identify most of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds; and created incomplete drawings that did not demonstrate a basic understanding of a particular letter and its sounds.
Student did not participate.
Digital Short
Students collaborated to create a seamless presentation, rehearsing and trying to articulate for the voice recording. Student fulfilled minimal requirement of 2-3 scripted sentences to tell the story.    
Students struggled to collaborate. Story was in some order and almost fulfilled requirement of sentences and words to match the sounds.
Students did not collaborate on the work. The short was disjointed or hastily done. Not enough words or scripted sentences.
Student did not participate.


Lesson plan includes appropriate modifications and/or accommodations for students needing enrichment, remediation, or alternative strategies

Students with IEP - Individualized Educational Plans or 504’s would require modifications or accommodations -
Students who are showing advanced knowledge can choose to make his or her digital story longer by including more words that start with the same letter, a longer script, and may even choose to add music to the presentation.

Students with an IEP or 504 could have the option of buddying up with a friend on the same letter, choosing less words to include in the story, using an online drawing tool if paper and marker is not an option, or can use the animal from the original Animal video.

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